domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

Blog de ingresos para mujeres Blueprint Review – cómo generar un ingreso pasivo con tu Blog

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Blog Income For Women Blueprint – by Krizia & Alexandra

Name: Blog Income For Women Blueprint
Creators: Krizia & Alexandra
Purpose: Learn how to generate a passive income using your blog with a topic of interest or online business.

‘Blog Income For Women Blueprint’ is designed for female bloggers, but men would also benefit as it teaches how to target female readers, while making a passive income online through CPA marketing and niche marketing techniques.

You can find a list of other product and service reviews and resources to run an online business in the Reviews Section of this website.

It is interesting where life can lead you sometimes. When I started out in the world of blogging, it was purely for something fun to do and in actual fact, to pass the time whilst my baby was asleep – I was fortunately blessed with a sleeper! I thought, perhaps I would make a tiny amount of money (if I was lucky), but it was only once I delved deeper into the world of internet marketing did I realize that making a decent income from blogging was possible and with work, attainable. This was quite a revelation for me.

Like many other women out there who have also decided to start a family, I quickly learned that combining my previous corporate career with my new family commitments was going to be very difficult to manage in the long term, and so my blogging ‘career’ began!

The latest internet marketing product to hit the marketplace, ‘Blog Income For Women Blueprint’ is designed for someone just like myself – a female blogger who has a blog on a topic of interest (mine was cooking), rather than a blog whose topic was chosen for the sole purpose of making money.

This course is written by two female bloggers, Krizia (she is the narrator) and Alex, who have successfully managed to turn their own blogs into highly profitable income streams. They have blogs on topics that interest them and their readers are predominately women – for example, one of their blogs is reviewing the latest beauty products.

So, just how did they turn their blogs into an income stream? Through their clever use of CPA marketing. For those who don’t know what CPA marketing is, it stands for Cost Per Action marketing. CPA marketing is when someone provides their name and address on an online form or gives their details for a free product trial.

I am sure I am not alone in having provided a company like Colgate with my name and address in exchange for a free toothbrush – that is classic CPA marketing. The purpose of CPA marketing is that, using the example of Colgate, companies are giving something away, not out of the kindness of their heart, but to capture my contact details for their marketing database so they can continue to inform me about any other products they think would interest me. This is big business for many companies and therefore many will pay a commission to anyone who sends them a lead.

As a blogger, the beauty of CPA marketing is that it does not require any selling on your behalf since the readers are not required to spend any money in the process. In fact, as was the case with me, I was more than happy to give Colgate my name and address in exchange for a free toothbrush, and it required very little selling from them. That said, like you, I probably wouldn’t give my details to just any company, they have to be offering me something I was interested in. This was exactly how Krizia and Alex turned their blogs into passive income streams.

As the title of this course suggests, it is aimed at women but I actually think the content is more about teaching you how to target women to become your readers. As such I feel men could gain as much knowledge from this course as women.

This video course is broken down into eight different modules, as well as four bonus handouts which are outlined below.

Module 1: Introduction – How I discovered to boost my blog income

After months of not making any money, Krizia explains how she started to generate income from her blog

Module 2: CPA (Cost Per Action) Network 101: Using CPA offers to generate income on my blog

This module teaches you the basics of CPA marketing and how to find appropriate CPA offers to promote on your blog.

Module 3: Opening your first CPA account and working with your affiliate manager

Goes into how to apply for a CPA account and get approved. This module also provides you with answers to potential questions they might ask you in the approval process and advice on what to do if you get rejected.

Explains the basics and importance of niche marketing which is a key aspect to the course. This module also describes how to find niches that appeal to women.

It also contains an additional video demonstrating how to use five different free research tools to find these niches.

Module 5: Keyword research to find niches that appeal to women

This module goes through the basics of keyword research which is used for the headlines and content on your blog.

As a bonus, five different niches which specifically target women are provided in a niche pack. Included in the pack are their corresponding keywords to write content on, as well as five articles which just need to be rewritten for originality, so you can get started right away.

Module 6: Selecting a domain and selecting your first set of CPA offers

Explains how to select a good domain name for search engine optimization and also how to choose a CPA offer which is likely to perform better than others.

A 72 page document outlining a step-by-step plan for each of the 30 days.

Module 8: Build your list of “female buyers” from day one with auto-responder messages that speak to women’s issues

How to create an email list of subscribers to your blog. This is important so you can continue to promote other CPA offers to your subscribers.

Bonus: Quick Start Package (worth $47)

This is a great bonus package of 4 videos showing you how to get started right away. The videos are as follows:

How to open a Gmail accountHow to open a accountHow to open a CPA accountHow to set-up your first CPA offer on your blog

These videos use an example to walk you the entire process to get you started – from starting your new blog to publishing your first review with a corresponding CPA offer.

The course also contains the following four bonus offers:

Bonus 1: Outsourcing parts or the entire process (worth $97)Bonus 2: Other strategies to boost your blog income (worth $97)Bonus 3: Perfect article writing formula (worth $97)Bonus 4: 100 tips to get more readers to your blog (worth $197)

For more details about the product check out:

Although I am not new to the concept of CPA marketing, I actually learnt quite a lot in this course. One really important point was that if rejected by a CPA network, you can appeal that rejection. This was most certainly news to me and I will definitely be following up with the CPA networks which had previously rejected me with a friendly phone call for an explanation – sometimes this is all that it takes.

Unfortunately rejection to these networks is not uncommon but now knowing that many people successfully get their rejections reversed is encouraging. This course also shows that there are a multitude of CPA networks out there, so if you are unsuccessful in getting approved, Krizia provides plenty of others to choose from.

This course also shows you how to compare CPA offers across numerous networks using a free website called Offer Vault. Offer Vault enables you to compare CPA offers and their associated payouts without having to apply and get approved to each of the CPA networks which the offers are on – a huge time saver!

I also learnt that once approved on a CPA network, you can ask the affiliate manager on that network which offers have the highest conversion rates. This is a very handy tip as it takes the guess work out of choosing which offers to promote. Krizia explains that the affiliate manager wants you to make as much money for them as possible, so it is in their best interest to help you out as much as they can.

Going through this entire course, it is clear that Krizia and Alex certainly have a lot of experience and knowledge in this type of marketing to offer you. I feel this video course has a lot of good content and it is clear in its structure and format which makes it all very easy to understand.

As mentioned earlier, applying to CPA networks can sometimes be not that straight forward, but the course prepares you with good answers to a number of questions you may receive. This was useful for someone like me who has been unsure about how best to answer some of these questions.

The course also explains the best way to manage your CPA networks and actually advises you to only apply to a maximum of five networks. This was news to me as I didn’t realize that keeping track of the latest offers on the different networks requires some effort. This advice is clearly from experience.

The 30 day plan, which contains the complete outline of what you need to do on a day-to-day basis, is very intensive. Without the help from outsourcers, I feel it would be a lot of work to do on your own. I am not saying that it couldn’t be done, but it would be a serious time commitment.

As Krizia explains, most of the process can be outsourced. But this depends on how comfortable you are with outsourcing before you start generating any income. On the flip side, the fact that you can be up and running in 30 days may very well appeal to some people. However, if you find this plan becomes too much of an arduous task, you may very well achieve a similar result even if you took a little longer.

Krizia writes reviews of products on her blog which leads me to my only other gripe. I would have liked some more information on how to effectively do the research of the products and write the reviews since this is the core content on the blog.

As I said earlier, there was quite a lot of good content in this course and I certainly gained some very valuable information. In my opinion, someone who has basic knowledge of blogging would gain the most value from this course.

However, if you are completely new to blogging, the 4 videos contained in the Bonus Quick Start Package which show you just how to get started and are perfect for someone who has never set up a blog before.  Through a worked example, Krizia shows you how to set up a free blog using the free blog platform and then demonstrates how to write your first review on your new blog with links to a CPA offer as well as banner ads displayed throughout the review. It will leave you little excuse to not get started right away.

But if you want to have your blog with its own URL and hosting (this difference is explained further in the course), there is no guidance on how to set up a WordPress blog, how to navigate around WordPress or how to place ads on your site. If you are comfortable with WordPress and want to learn the ins and outs of CPA marketing, I don’t think you will be disappointed with this course. Each video has a handout of the slides of the presentation which is handy and the bonus offers also contain some useful content.

The 30 day action plan, which is the nuts and bolts to this course, is very thorough and extensive and is a great way to fast track your blog into a healthy income stream. As I mentioned earlier, implementing all parts to this 30 day plan would be a serious time commitment on your behalf, but hey, what’s 30 days in your life if at the end of it, you could set yourself up with a nice passive income – seems like a worthwhile trade off to me!

Good luck!

Blog Income For Women Blueprint - $97 USD one time payment

Ilana Wechsler

Ilana started making money online when she was on maternity leave. She has now quit her old job and works on her internet marketing business full time. She also helps small businesses with their online marketing strategy, helping them improve their bottom line. You can find out more information here: SEO Services

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